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Hello, my dear strangers!

If I could describe October in just one word, that word would probably end up being food. I haven’t gone out much since the semester began and most of the pictures I’ve taken were centred around food and eating and different ingredients. Out of the 31 photos I’ve taken, 23 depicted a plate of food. But, worry not, my dear strangers, I won’t drown you in endless pictures of feasts and my family’s collective gluttony. I’ll show you a bit of the autumn charms as well. So, now that I’ve made this (mandatory?) introduction, it’s time to show you my favourite October photographs.


My dad spotted a beautiful mortar and pestle in a shop a few weeks back and bought it for me. Let’s just say I love it, to put it mildly. The first thing I did after thoroughly washing it up was to roast some hazelnuts and toss them in, the result being finely ground hazelnut flour, for the lack of a better word, which made for a delicious cake base afterwards. I did warn you about food, didn’t I?


Spotted this lady while taking a walk the other day. She just stood there, motionless, for what seemed like an eternity, gazing at the water. It didn’t seem like she was waiting for anyone, she just looked lost in her thoughts. As I often do in such situations, I began wondering about her life, making up an elaborate back story in my mind. The story wasn’t very cheerful, though, for she didn’t look particularly happy, especially on that grim, rainy autumn afternoon.


More culinary experiments. I made a traditional Laotian dish, a chicken Larb with quinoa wrapped in crispy iceberg leaves which turned out to be delicious. We really feasted that day!


One of the classes I’m taking starts at 7:30 and Tuesday mornings usually consist of yours truly grumpily slithering her way out of bed and equally grumpily sliding the snooze button (let’s face it, in this day and age, very few people actually hit the snooze button), desperate for a few more minutes of lucid sleep. I consider myself to be a morning person, but not when morning begins before 6. This picture was taken from my balcony on one such Tuesday when I woke up before the crack of dawn. Cheers…


Another attempt at an artsy photo on my part. Poured some quinoa into a glass and, well, basically that’s it.


Noticed this little guy in front of the supermarket. Some good soul was kind enough to make him/her an improvised house. He/She’s huge, seems content and well fed, so I didn’t feel too sorry for him/her. Life on the street takes on many different hues.


Another view of the mighty Danube and the opposite shore.


Now, this one I’m truly proud of. I just love everything about it: the spirit of autumn, the fallen leaves, the ever-present Sun shining its way through the branches on a nippy day, the shadow patterns on the ground, everything! This may be my personal fave.


We went to our favourite Japanese/fusion restaurant the other day and my mum ordered this delicious dish. How do I know it’s delicious? Well, in our family, what one orders, each and every one tastes. Succulent duck breasts with asparagus and pears bathed in mystery sauce. And, the presentation is to die for!


Hit the open road several weekends ago to get a bit in touch with nature again and feel some freedom after being confined in an ugly building that is my university studying basically day and night. I loved this scene so much, that I just had to pull over and make a memory.

Well, I hope you liked my photos and I wish you all a very wonderful day  🙂